mornings.patiently macchiato.always busy with work.loves addict.soon-to-be insomniac.dreamer.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Got Carried Away

Beege posted a really nice article in her blog (see hers!). Reading that never fails to inspire me and just makes me hang in there. It makes me realize there are more things in life to be happy about than sad and that realization keeps me going on. Life is just too full of possibilities.

Anyhoo (by now, you should know that this is one of my fave words and so is alritey hehe) - I think the article is about valuing the small things, savoring the things that matter. And the things that matter aren't necessarily those that by CONVENTION, are the important things, such as WORK (ahem), reputation, social status, etc. Most of the time, the more important things are actually those that we often trivialize and take for granted such as time we make
for family. How often are we more concerned about what colleagues and peers have to say than that of our parents and siblings? We are in an age where greatness is measured by one's contribution to say, technological advancements, literature and social development that many undermine personal relationships and simple joys. Yeah - simple joys.

I think for most people, if not all, the things that STILL really affect us are those that are closer to heart.

I love the title of that article. I believe that people really have what it takes to have and be everything that they want. The more important question, however is, what's the guarantee that
these certainly are what we want; because, it is only in addressing that question that we will be able say that what we've done and who we are are indeed enough.


Blogger Don Manganar said...

Tama ka! So let's change our motto from sieze the day to Sieze the moment! Much better!

Miss you keys! :) See ya! - Don

4:58 AM


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